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Latest news from Tokuyama Dental

Here you will find all the important news about Tokuyama Dental. Please inform yourself here about current developments concerning our company and our products. Furthermore, you are welcome to use the direct contact to your contact persons at Tokuyama Dental.

OMNICHROMA composites continue their success in 2025
The pioneering OMNICHROMA restorative materials from TOKUYAMA DENTAL once again received the renowned ‘Top Product Awards’ from the magazine DENTAL ADVISOR at the beginning of 2025. This honour once again highlights the outstanding quality and innovative strength of the Japanese manufacturer.
Expansion of market presence through acquisition of TOKUYAMA DENTAL Italy S.r.l.
On the 21st of June 2024, the full integration of TOKUYAMA DENTAL S.r.l. into the Japanese parent company TOKUYAMA DENTAL Corporation completed a further measure to reorganise and expand the market presence in the European sales region.
TOKUYAMA Master Course 2024 in Japan
From 27 to 29 May 2024, the renowned "TOKUYAMA Master Course" took place in Tokyo, Japan, once again bringing together dentists and experts from all over the world. The event provided a unique platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience.
"Successful posterior restorations": Free webinar on 23rd May 2024
On the 23rd of May 2024 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. (CET), the TOKUYAMA DENTAL ACADEMY will host a webinar entitled "Successful direct posterior restorations using evidence-based protocols".
Small opening ceremony with family and friends
On the 1st of March 2024, TOKUYAMA DENTAL Germany celebrated the opening of the new location in Metelen – in a small setting together with family and friends. Around 35 guests were warmly welcomed by the TOKUYAMA team, including Mayor Gregor Krabbe…
Awarded again in 2024: the OMNICHROMA family
With its annual "Top Awards", the magazine DENTAL ADVISOR is regarded as a benchmark for independent evaluations of dental products.
New sales location in Metelen
After more than 15 years at its previous headquarters in Altenberge (Germany), TOKUYAMA DENTAL Deutschland GmbH has moved its sales department and warehouse to Metelen (Germany) as of 1st November 2023. At the new location…
Yosuke Ozawa new Managing Director of Tokuyama Dental Deutschland GmbH
As part of a reorganisation of the Tokuyama Group, Mr Yosuke Ozawa was appointed as the new Managing Director of Tokuyama Dental Deutschland GmbH on 20 April 2023.