New sales location in Metelen

Relocation - Tokuyama Dental Germany i Relocation - Tokuyama Dental Germany

After more than 15 years at its previous headquarters in Altenberge (Germany), TOKUYAMA DENTAL Deutschland GmbH has moved its sales department and warehouse to Metelen (Germany) as of 1st November 2023. At the new location, a modern office and warehouse building offers optimal conditions for further growth and the important continuous support of dentists, dental technicians and dental dealers. From now on you can reach us via our new contact details.

The history of TOKUYAMA DENTAL Deutschland GmbH began with its foundation on 1st February 2007 and since then the company has been based in Altenberge (near Münster). Successively, the German sales unit of the Japanese dental manufacturer has been able to establish brand awareness and product distribution in Germany and many other European countries with great success.

A transfer of business shares resulted in a new situation in April 2023: TOKUYAMA DENTAL Deutschland GmbH has since been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Japanese TOKUYAMA DENTAL Corporation. In order to promote further growth, it was decided to move the sales and warehouse departments to an enlarged location. In the end, the choice fell on the Münsterland municipality of Metelen, which is only 25 kilometres away from the previous location - in other words, still in the logistically advantageous "border triangle" of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and the Netherlands. After about six months of preparation, the move to Metelen was completed on 1st November 2023.

At the new company location, all employees of TOKUYAMA DENTAL Deutschland GmbH will find perfect conditions for their respective work areas. From here, high-quality advice and support for dentists, dental technicians and dental dealers can also be guaranteed in the future. An expanded warehouse also ensures the fast and reliable supply of all customers and trade partners with the innovative high-tech products from TOKUYAMA DENTAL.

Markus Leson (General Manager, Tokuyama Dental Germany):

"We are looking at the new situation with a smile in one eye and a tear in the other. We have always felt very comfortable at the location in Altenberge with our colleagues there and would like to take this opportunity to say 'thank you' once again for the many years of support, but there is also a certain sense of joy and optimism, as the new location in Metelen offers us new opportunities that we would like to utilise in the interests of our customers."

Due to the move, not only the address but also the telephone number of the sales unit of TOKUYAMA DENTAL Deutschland GmbH has changed. From now on, all customers and partners can reach us via our new service hotline: +49 2556 9999 10

New contact details